Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Handling popups in Watir

Sometimes when a user is using a web page a pop-up window appears. These requires special attention in watir.

Pop-Up examples:   
Security Alerts
Choose File pop-ups
Save As
Login (username/password) panels
Alert boxes
Script prompt/textbox
Confirmation Boxes (ok/cancel)

Code to Handle pop ups
require 'watir'
require 'watir/dialog'

link = 'http://anylink'

ie = Watir::IE.start(link)
# Use click_no_wait
ie.button(:value, 'Display alert box').click_no_wait  
dialog = Watir::Dialog.new
# Use the sleep method with any value you need
sleep 0.4
 # Click on Popup window button

I came across situation where I needed to handle popups on click of radio button as well. Above can also be extended to radiobuttons, checkboxes and other objects as well.

sleep 0.4
dialog = Watir::Dialog.new

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