Html tags to be verified in html page are maintained in non_control_elements.rb file in watir libraries under location Ruby location\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\watir-2.0.4\lib.
If you have the framework for tags verification and some tags are not identified signifies that it is not there in non_control_elements. Here is the easy way to do it, just add below code to the end of this file
class LEGEND < NonControlElement
class TH < NonControlElement
TAG = 'TH'
class BR < NonControlElement
TAG = 'BR'
With watir version 2.0.4 this has slightly changed and you need to do below:
%w[Pre P Div Span Map Area Li Ul H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
Dl Dt LEGEND TH TD Dd Strong Em Del Font Meta Ol].each do |elem|
module_eval %Q{
class #{elem} < NonControlElement; end
This is it and you should be good to verify them in your framework. Hope it helps.